
Friday, December 20, 2013

Spectra's secret least to me

I. Have. Just. Figured. Out. Something. Important!!!!
It's Spectra the ghost's biggest, deepest, darkest secret. You know how a couple posts ago I told you about Spectra sneak-using her phone? Well, now I know why. So here's how it goes: last night, I snuck into Spectra and Clawdeen's dorm room (gotta be careful, Clawdeen has sharp hearing!), picked up Spectra's already on iCoffin, and flicked through a couple of apps. And then I saw the Ghostly Gossip app! Hold on a sec, let me tell you what Ghostly Gossip is. It's the official Academy de Claw blog that describes all the unknown gossip. Nobody knows who owns the blog....well, I'm about to find out.
I tapped on the app, and then a page popped up and it said "Ghostly Gossip: New Post". OMG! Does that mean Spectra is the creator of Ghostly Gossip?! To make sure, I looked at the login....and sure enough, the username was SpectraVondergeist123.
When I crept back into my room, I silently told myself to not tell anyone, except maybe Spectra herself, when I get the courage. I wonder how she'll react--- maybe Spectra will delete the blog and hate me forever....until unlife. That would be soooo bad, now I don't even want to tell her. So I just lay in bed and thought about it.
Doesn't the fact that Spectra is the Ghostly Gossip make perfect sense? I mean, she can float through walls, spy on conversations, and best of all, stay invisible....I can't believe I've never thought about it before. And still, GHOSTLY Gossip? Get it? Spectra's a GHOST? I am just so stupid.
So ghouls, should I tell Spectra that I found out about her secret? Or should I just get on with life and mind my own beeswax? Tell me in your comments.

See y'all later,

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