
Sunday, January 12, 2014


Oh my ghoul oh my ghoul. I have some serious news.
Madame Blackheart was diagnosed with CANCER. You heard me, cancer.
Yikes, I feel so bad for the Madame, well, pretty much all of  the ghouls here do, except for Cleo. She's actually running around the school right now shouting: "No more homework! No more classes! No more teachers! Yeah!"
Boy was she wrong. This afternoon, a tall werewolf with honey blond hair and a tablet in her hands walked through the door. She immediately called an announcement in the lounge. This is what happened:
Clawdeen was the first to come, well, after me. As soon as she saw the werewolf she gasped, ran over, and hugged her.
"Clawdia! Clawdia, you came! I missed you so much sis....wait a sec what the heck are you doing here?" Okay, so apparently Clawdia was Clawdeen's older sister, but WHAT the HECK was she doing here? Back on topic. So all the other ghouls came down to the lounge, and Cleo (with a cucumber mask on her face) was like: "Somebody interrupted my spa routine! What is going on here?"
Clawdia tapped her claws impatiently, and said: "Hello, ghouls, my name is Clawdia Wolf, older sister of Clawdeen, and I have some bad news to tell you." (Spectra turned on her phone). "Madame Blackheart was diagnosed with cancer last night, and she will not be able to teach for many months."
"Oh yeah!" Cleo shouted, "No school now!"
"Shush! I have MORE news to tell you," Clawdia snapped, sounding impatient. "Madame Blackheart had told me that I will be your substitute for the time she's in the hospital!"
 Gasps ran out through the room. Spectra tapped on her iCoffin, her eyes glued to the screen. I shuddered. Madame Blackheart? Cancer? This was impossible!
But the thing is, it will be VERY hard for all of us to adjust to a new teacher.


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